1>>Wanna play with your friends by removing the shutdown option from start menu in their computer.
Just hack it down !!!

Click on start>run(win key+r)

Then tpye “regedit” there, this opens up the registry editor, now goto


Then set “NoClose”=”DWORD:1

2>>A Java Trick that Pops Message in orkut that Ur Account Is Hacked
A Java Trick that Pops Message " Ur Account Is Hacked"

javascript:function reverse() { var inp = " ! luhaR yb dekcah si tnuocca tukrO ruoY "; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}alert(outp) ;}; reverse(); copy and paste d Above link On Address Bar.. n replace "luhaR" by ur own Name.. n send it to ur friends Or u can Manually create Any kind of Alert Box by javascript:alert(" TYPE ANY MESSAGE HERE TO APPEAR IN ALERT BOX ") copy and paste d above in the address Bar 3>>Fake login page
TEP:1 open he website of ORKUT or HOMAIL or REDIFF MAIL or YAHOOMAIL, its your wish. if you want to HACK yahoo id, then go to

STEP2: Now press "CTRL+U", you will get the source code of yahoo page. Now press "CTRL+A" copy all the text.

step3: Open NOTEPAD, now paste it here. SAVE it as YAHOOFAKE.HTML

STEP4: Now open the the file yahoofake.html using notepad, here you ll find a code which starts with (form action="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
delete the above code and paste the yr id
step6: Now save the file.

you can test whether its working or not. just open the yahoofake.html file and in the place of user name and password, type some thing and sign in. you will get the passwords in your mail id.. check out..

4>>Block Websites without any Softwares !!

1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
2] Find the file named "HOSTS"
3] Open it in notepad
4] Under " localhost" Add , and that site will no longer be accesable.
5] Done!

example : localhost

- is now unaccessable

For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before.


This also works with banner sites, just find the host name of the server with the banners and do the same thing with that addy.

Hope this small tutorial could keep you going in simple way of blocking websites

Chat using Command Prompt
If you want personal chat with a friend
you don't need to download any yahoo messenger
All you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt.
Firstly, open Notepad and enter:
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command
Prompt you should see:
After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:
Now type in the message you wish to send.Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:
Message: Hi
Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!

6>>Locking the desktop
If you are leaving your computer for a while and do not wish to turn it off, but want to assure that no-one else can use the computer while you are away, locking the desktop is the best option.

By pressing WINDOWSKEY+L, you password protect your system just as if you had logged out or restarted the computer. The advantage is that any programs or processes that were running when you locked the desktop will stay open and running in the background, ready for you to resume work or play.

7>>See a hidden movie in pc
just follow these steps:
(1)goto start>run

(2)type: telnet

(3)hit enter..........

8>>Spreading viruses by ip
Spreading viruses by ip
download it ..
send it to victim ..
he must run it ..
go to telnet ..
-->run > telnet ..
type o
type ip address .. of the victim ..
then if entered correctly ..
it would ask for username and password ..


u r in the victims PC ..
now u can control his PC using DOS commands ,,

9>>Fool your friend with PowerPoint
This tip might be familiar to you.. but, its funny to do..

First download the zip file below and extract the ppt file.. double click it...

After having a glance at the above ppt, you'll now have a clear idea. If you wanna fool your friend or make him agree that he is a fool.. just follow these steps...

1. Open Powerpoint, Make a new presentation.

2. Set any image as background if necessary. You can do like this..

Right click on the slide area, and select Background
In the dropdown box, select Fill Effects. Go to Picture tab and select the desired image you want. Dont forget to click Apply to all.

3. Now, Create two action buttons. Make sure you have Drawing Toolbar checked in View -> Toolbars. If not, Select it.

Now, Click on AutoShapes in Drawing toolbar, select Action Buttons and Click on the first one. Now, draw it.

Add the desired text by Right Clicking on the button and select Edit Text. Create the slide that exactly looks like the above pic.

4. HyperLink

Right click on the Action button and select Hyperlink

Navigate to Mouse Over tab. Select Next Slide under Hyperlink to : as shown in the pic below.

If you RightClick on the action button in the edit text mode, then you may see the pic below which is not the desired one..

Now, Right click on the YES Action button and Select Last Slide instead of Next slide in the similar way shown above...

now, copy the slide and make several duplicates of it. Move the No button to different positions randomly in all slides.

5. Create a loop

Now, in the last slide, Right Click on the Action button, select Edit Hyperlink and select Slide... and click on Slide1. Now, we have created a logical loop on the slides.

6. The last slide

Create the last slide as the below pic..

7. Disable the "Advance Slide" on click

Go to Slide Show -> Slide Transition. In the Right pane, Under Advance Slide, Uncheck the option On Mouse Click. Click Apply to all slides.

Now, Press F5 or slide show and verify whether you are able to catch the NO action button.

10>>To Access blocked sites: Use Calculator!!
When both Domain Name & IP Address are banned, Use Calculator to Access that Website

This unique Mathematics based trick will probably work when websites are blocked in your institution or corporate network based on the host name or their IP address.
The trick is to convert the human readable website address that's blocked (like Link:) into an IP address (208.75.184. 160) and again translate this value to a decimal address which is probably not blocked by the website filters.
Here's a step by step guide to render Link:. com to a decimal address:

How to Access Restricted Websites
1) get its IP address (216.178.39. 74), by pinging the name (if you have a direct internet connection) or if you only have access via a web proxy then find it out by using a networking website like network-tools. com.
2) start your PC's calculator, and change it to scientific mode (using the "View" menu)

3) enter each of the four IP octets, one by one, converting them to binary (enter number and click on the "Bin" radio button)
Thus becomes
216 = 11011000
178 = 10110010
39 = 00100111
74 = 01001010
Notice how any binary numbers less than 8 digits long have had leading zeroes added to pad them out. Reassembled into IP address order, you get 11011000.10110010. 00100111. 01001010
4) Remove the dots, so you get one huge line of binary, thus: 1101100010110010001 0011101001010
5) Copy this binary string
6) Go to your scientific calculator, and hit the "Bin" button FIRST (as you are about to enter binary), THEN paste in the binary string.
7) Click on the "Dec" button on your calculator, and you will get the converted value of 3635554122
8) Add the hypertext protocol prefix and paste into your browser's address bar: Link:
Wuntoo adds: I used to be in a place that had websense, where both website names and their corresponding IP addresses were blocked. However was able to get limited access by converting the IP address to decimal, which websense (at the time) did not know about. This might have changed since, or if your school runs an old version it might still work. Note that if you surf away from the page you might hit websense blocks again unless you manually reconstruct the next address you want to get to.

How to access Bebo, Myspace that are blocked?

The most common websites that are blocked in schools include Bebo, MySpace, Hi5, Xanga, Orkut, Facebook and in some cases, Youtube. We share a couple of options to bypass the internet ban and they includes using proxy servers, special mobile websites and screen sharing software:

Trick A: Most solutions to unblock websites suggest using web proxies to bypass restrictions. Link: has a comprehensive list of public anonymous web-based proxy servers that you may want to try.

But chances are that your school administration has already blocked access to most proxy servers as well. In that case, you have some more options:

Trick B: Surf the web using Link:, a new service that's free and converts any website into a mobile phone friendly format. The other option that may help access blocked website is Link:, a miniature web browser that is meant for embedding inside other web pages. Another solution may be Link:.

Trick C: Finally, a option that will always work provided you have your sister or mom at home to help you - Use a screen sharing software like Link:, Link: or Link:.

Ask someone at home to accept your screen sharing invitation request and browse the web at school using your home computer. This will enable you to access any website or instant messenger like Skype or Yahoo from the school or work computer. You may also try remote control software that comes with Win XP Pro instead of screen sharing apps to access restricted sites.

If Google Talk is blocked by your employer, use the Link: and connect with Google Talk buddies outside the office firewall.

Accessing unauthorized web sites using the above tricks may be considered a violation of school or work policies and might put you in trouble. Use them at your own risk.


create a new folder rename it as alt+0160 ...there wud be no name of the folder then to hide its icon,Right click the folder and on de customize tab choose the empty icon (A blank SPACE) ......and the folder wud become invisible...and remember to write 0160 from the NUM PAD....
For GETTING BACK THE FOLDER:right click on the folder select properties and change the ICON

Making undeletable, unreadable folders
Tested on Windows 95/98
By holding down alt, then typing numbers on the number pad (right of the keyboard) you can create special characters. If you hold down alt, then press 1, then let go, you got the ascii character 1. You try some randomn numbers. This goes all the way up to 255. Open a dos prompt, and type md (alt+1+9+4)someword. md is the dos command to make a directoy, now try and open the directory in Windows, you can't. To open it, type ren (alt+1+9+4)someword someword (ren is the dos command to rename)



Unknown said...

tried your mail cracking trick on my personal email id....didnt work

Unknown said...

tried your mail cracking trick on my personal email id....didnt work

Unknown said...

hey its workin...folow the steps as given dude..

Anonymous said...

nice trick1thaks..plz post some more!